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Blood alcohol concentration and breath alcohol concentration are similar but different. Ignition int...
Did you get stopped for drunk driving in Covington, Louisiana? Now you need a Louisiana OMV approved...
Labor Day marks the unofficial end to summer. But according to the National Highway Traffic Safety A...
Many of us in Louisiana deal with periods of extreme heat. Have you ever thought about how the heat ...
Did you get a DWI in Gonzales, Louisiana? And now you have to install a Louisiana DMV approved ignit...
Many people enjoy having a few drinks at a bar. As more bars are offering curbside alcohol (aka to g...
You had a vehicle interlock device installed in your vehicle and you’re feeling ready to move ...
You convinced yourself you were OK to drive or you simply thought you wouldn’t get caught. You...
Did you get pulled over for driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) in ...
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