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Many of us in Louisiana deal with periods of extreme heat. Have you ever thought about how the heat ...
Dramatic increase in fatal teen crashes The “100 Deadliest Days” refers to the period ea...
It sucks walking out to your car in the morning finding your battery dead. Does ignition interlock d...
"Sometimes I am angry. Sometimes disgusted. I always feel bad for the little girl who is me, whose l...
"I choose to break the cycle of alcoholism in my family. My fear is for my children. They have addic...
"Got voluntary ignition interlock… don’t know how I feel about it" Not all interlo...
In our line of work dealing with ignition interlock devices, we meet so many people whose lives have...
Once again, the premier provider of ignition interlock devices in Louisiana will offer reminders of ...
New ignition interlock device customers can save 20% off our already affordable interlock installati...
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