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You're cruising on the lake, or you're fishing offshore, or you're headed to meet friends at the cam...
Did you get pulled over for driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) in ...
Every year, the Fourth of July is a holiday to celebrate family, friends, food, fireworks, and freed...
Something you may not have thought about when you had your breathalyzer installed was the possibilit...
Whether you are a judge, a probation officer, or a director of a specialty program, Smart Start of L...
If you have met the requirements of your restricted license, OMV, and your automobile blow machine, ...
Did you get a DWI in Bossier City, Louisiana? Now you need a Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles appr...
Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women ...
Smart Start of Louisiana is the smart choice for a DMV approved ignition interlock device. An I...
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