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You have received a DUI or DWI, and you are required to have an OMV-approved ignition interlock...
You've probably heard it called different things. But is there a difference between a vehicle interl...
Christmas is a time for gathering with family and friends and enjoying the many reasons to celebrate...
December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. The month of December was chosen for this in...
A new year brings a new start, a fresh chance to begin with a clean slate. A new year encourages...
Location, location, location! In any purchase or lease, location is a factor that weighs heavily on ...
Is DWVT a real word/charge? No (at least we don’t think so). But can driving while very tired ...
Smart Start of Louisiana is the smart choice for an approved ignition interlock device. What is an I...
In need of an alcohol device for your car? You can get the best ignition interlock in Slidell L...
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