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This post isn't about ignition interlock devices. This isn't even a current event related to interlo...
We know you've seen those breathalyzer costumes at Spirit Halloween. "Blow here" instructions are pl...
Teens. They give us a hard time, they give us gray hair... and they give us a reminder of our...
Prom, homecoming, a Friday night after a home football game, a boring ol' Wednesday. It doesn't matt...
While browsing information related to mental health and Suicide Prevention Month, we found some inte...
As the premier provider of ignition interlock devices in Louisiana, we have a lot of resources inves...
While our business focuses on ignition interlock device installation and service, our goal focuses o...
During the Labor Day holiday period, including the last weeks of August and the busy holiday weekend...
We know some of our interlock clients and potential interlock clients have questions, so we do our b...
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